Monday 2 June 2014


So last month I made a post about being accountable for my reading and wrote a nice list and made a pretty stack of books that I wanted to read over the month. Did that happen? No. Out of the four books I set I read one. I loved the one I read but other than that I read whatever I wanted over the month in my normal wishy-washy fashion. In the original post I spoke about being accountable for my reading and now I’m wondering if I went about it the completely wrong way. 

Knowing that I had set myself certain books to read I was able to fob them off saying you don’t have to read that till the end for the month so why start now and does it really matter if you don’t. I think for most people having a set list to follow would make them follow it but for me, I love to procrastinate every thing, including stuff I set for myself.

Lisa is my list and Bart is my brain

My next planning that I’m going to try this month is to set myself a number of books to read not an actually list that is set in stone.  In May I read nine books over the course of the month which is a lot for me so for June I’m going to try and read eight as a minimum. Hopefully two books a week will be achievable and my experiment will work. I will be carrying on with my TBR Jar idea but lets be honest I think I failed this month. Do any of you follow a set list or do you just read what you like? Do you keep yourself accountable in any so you don’t slack off or is that not problem for you? 


  1. I know what you mean about procrastination - I swear I procrastinate with everything! I'd never set myself a TBR before May, because I've always been a mood reader. However, with participating in readathons, I feel as if I need to have a set TBR...I didn't really stick to my May TBR, so I guess we'll see how I go with my TBR for June. However, I really like your idea or setting a specific number of books that you want to read per month.

    1. If I could procrastinate breathing I’m sure I’d try! Never until I tried to stick to a TBR did I noticed how satisfying mood reading is, there is nothing nicer than just being like hmmm I want that. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing how your TBR ends up and hopefully my number set will work!

  2. Unless I have a tour I've committed to or a set date I've been asked to read a certain book, I don't follow a reading timetable at all. Even with review copies. I pick up whatever strikes me at the time. Some weeks, I might read four per week, others I'm lucky to get through one. Just go with whatever you feel comfortable with. If you force yourself to read, you'll end up with book burn out. Be free and have a life away from books and blogging. Your books will still be there, and so will we :) *big smushy hugs*

    1. Bahaha, I have no life Miss Kelly all of the books call to me! I definitely like the idea of reading whatever but if I don’t have some type of goal I end up reading only fanfic or books on wattpad so that is why I’m now aiming for a numbers goal. *accepting the smushy hug and returning a bear hug*

  3. I never write a set list because I know that I would never be able to stick to it. I am definitely someone who likes to read what I want when I want. If I wrote a list then it would have books I wanted to read, but two days later I'd have probably changed my mind and have something else I want to read more.


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